

Let's join this week Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge using this warm 


Simon Says Stamp Store  is offering the $25 voucher.

Here in Poland we normally have a very beautiful Autumn time which is called
Polish Golden Fall when the trees get all the warm colors before loosing their leaves. 
So this is my take on the Mood Board with a strong connection with nature. 

Since I'm addicted to circles, I've made this background using Distress Paints 
and just stamping circles all over a page with a mini jar's lid. 

Products used:





Powoli chyba podświadomie zbliżam się do Halloween bo dziś mam dla Was rdzawą żarówkę z elementami steampunk oraz krwistą czaszką. Dużo mediowania, warstwy, rdza, odlewy z żywicy. 


It seems that I'm slowly approaching Halloween, because today I have for you a rusty light bulb with steampunk details and a bloody skull. Mixed media, layers, rust, resin castings.



Join this week Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge and make something


Simon Says Stamp Store  is offering the $25 voucher.

I went totally blue using lots of scraps from my stash. 
Basically I made a layered card with the negative cut out bird. 
But I found this card very boring. 
Then I lost myself in collaging with verious shapes and shades of blue scraps. 
This way I made it even more layered and much more interesting. 
The collage play is so much fun and it's really hard to stop. 

Products used:




Zrobiłam sobie notes/szkicownik do różnych, codziennych eksperymentów. 
Okładkę wykonałam z pudełka po farbach, które miało urocze okienko.
Całość pokryłam papierem do kolażu oraz farbami i żelem do postarzania. 
Dodałam kilka tekturek od Artistiko, wstążkę jako zamknięcie notesu i gotowe. 
Zanim wyrzucicie jakieś opakowanie, przyjrzyjcie mu się uważnie. 
Fajna zabawa, polecam. 

I made myself a notebook/sketchbook for small everyday crafty experiments.
The cover was made from a paint box that had this cute little window.
I covered the whole thing with collage paper, paints and antiquing gel.
I added a few cardboards from Artistiko, a ribbon to close the notebook and it's done.
Before you throw away any packaging, take a close look at it.
It was a great fun, I recommend to play like this.