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There are so many great books that the choice was very hard.
I decided to focus on the last one I have read which was
Robert Ludlum "The Parsifal Mosaic"

I looooove all the Ludlum's stories about spies and secret agents.
Love the books about Bourne and all the others he wrote.
So, my card is very masculine, dark, elegant and misterious...
Here below you can read about how I've made it.
1. Cover the base with white gesso making a stripped texture.
2. Moisture with water and give color with diferent sprays
applying the color on the top edge letting it fall down
through the stripes till the bottom edge.
3. Turn the base and let the color fall again. Dry with heat tool.
4. Spray with water drops and Ground Esspresso Spray.
5. Stamp some text and clocks on the background.
6. Die-cut the Dapper (Thanks, Emma!) from a black cardstock,
place it with 3D dots and give a glitter touch with Wink of Stella pen.
7. Die-cut several gears from a cardboard (Thanks, Sandra!), cover them with black acrylic paint, adhere to the background and cover with crackle paste.
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